(and memories…)
When Dorothy repeatedly said “there is no place like home” in the Wizard of Oz, she was right. I can’t help but to always think of that phrase now that I am back in Miami. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my time in Spain. The beauty of the country was spectacular and always a surprise to me every day. Plus, the food is awesome! We spent our time and made great memories, but it was time for Adrian and I to head back to our home roots.
Since I’ve been back I have been focusing on the things that make me extremely happy. My calligraphy and Spin Gallery. I have been working early morning and long nights with goggles, paint all over my hands and arms, power tools and my nail lady so confused why I am coming in for only pedicures. As well as coding websites, photoshoots in this Miami heat and editing photos until 3AM. But hey, in life…when you’re doing something that makes you happy and fulfils you…nothing else matters.
I’ve gotten such great feedback with my work & I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people. I get so excited to see my customers excitement on social media once they’ve got their hands on their new piece. Whether its a bright printed dress or huge reclaimed pallet wood art, my heart is happy.
Have you checked out my new ventures?
My calligraphy is currently being sold on Etsy “Spin Gallery Goods” & will soon make its way to SpinGallery.com (where you will now find clothing, jewellery and accessories!).