Category Archives: SPAIN

May 21, 2014

I’m here! (and Alive!)

Hi everyone!

I’ve been MIA on the blog, but I’m safe and sound on the other side of the pond now and just beginning to settle in. We’re in the process of decorating our new home and just exploring our new home town.

Arrived in Spain (Photo Taken in Jerez de la Frontera // Chiclana Beach)

I still haven’t fully unpacked all my clothes (or bought a blowdryer) so it’s been difficult to shoot outfits when majority of my stuff isn’t organized and my hair looks “fabulous” and “full of volume” ha!…but I promise to be bringing lots of outfit posts soon! Plus our #AAHomeProject details and adventures.

In the meantime, you can catch me on the daily on instagram @AshleySixto



April 16, 2014

Where to next, Ashley?


// passport case (similar) // polaroid camera //

Today’s the day where I unveil some pretty (crazy) important news. So, here it goes:

I’m not going on vacation…I’ll be moving to Spain in just a few weeks. Well, at the end of the month.


I know you’re probably looking at your screen thinking “WHAT?” I would hope that bursts of excitement, bittersweet feelings, some tears, and then excitement again run through your body. Cause it’s what’s been going through my whole body for some time now. It’s an exciting period in my (and Adrian’s) life because we’ll be heading out on a brand new adventure right at the beginning of our fresh marriage.

We’ve both been offered opportunities of a lifetime and there would be no better timing than going for it right now.

It’s going to be a roller coaster ride but were excited on taking on new adventures, living in a new city (AND COUNTRY), exploring new cultures and hopefully traveling more.

Don’t worry ladies, my blog will still be here – it’s not going anywhere! I’ll be bringing you along for the ride and all my fun exploring via my blog and Instagram too. I’ll be opening up a new office space for Spin Gallery overseas too. “Spinning in Spain” … Sounds good huh? Didi will also be joining us. She’s already starting to work on her Spanish, such a proactive pup.

And that being said…
We’re so grateful to have so many supportive family and friends and my followers which I consider part of my framily too. Please keep us in prayer as this will be an intense packing session and move for us! Can’t wait 🙂